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Thursday, February 23                              Detailed Schedule

          Cochero Pare                        4:00 PM - 4:50 PM                The  forum  will  extend  past  5:20  a
          arr. Conrado Monier                                                  reception for students of hearty hors
          Producciones Colibrí                Exhibitor’s Showcase             d’oeuvres.

          Shall I Compare Thee?                                                Presenters: Jennaya Robison and
          Kara Stacy Bedwell                Elaine Hagenberg Music             Ryan Beeken
          Excelcia Music Publishing         Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
                                            Meeting Rooms 260-262
          Rise, Shine!                                                          5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
          arr. Marques L. A. Garrett        New Music for SATB and SSA
          and Tom Trenney                   Choirs from Elaine Hagenberg        Exhibitor’s Showcase
          MorningStar Music Publishers
                                                                               Oxford University Press

                                              4:30 PM - 5:20 PM
           5:30 PM - 6:00 PM                  + Reception following            Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
                                              sponsored by Hal Leonard         Meeting Rooms 260-262

           4  Missouri State University
          Chorale                             Student Activities Forum         Selection of OUP’s recent publish-
          Cameron F. LaBarr, conductor        (Open to Both Tracks)            ing with favored composers leading
                                                                               their works. Sacred and Secular.
          A City Called Heaven              Cincinnati Music Hall
          arr. Leonard de Paur              Wilk’s Studio                       Junior High/Middle School
          Oxford University Press                                               R&R Deep Dive
                                               ACDA Student Activities invites
          The Song We Sing                  our registered, student conference
          William Averitt                   attendees to participate in a student   Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor
          Walton Music                                                         Junior Ballroom B
                                            forum, “Becoming the Change Our
          Fever Dreams                      World Needs.” This immersive ex-   Dive into the Middle
          Erich Eastman                     perience allows student members to
          Manuscript                        form partnerships within the ACDA    “Dive into the middle” with Clin-
                                            community and discuss what it means   ton Hardy as he explores four pieces
          Radiance Untethered               to impact our world through music.   of upper middle school/junior high
          John Wykoff                       Participants will participate in dis-  literature. He will teach you how he
          Walton Music                      cussion of diverse career paths and   has  taught  these  pieces  in  the  past
                                            networking as they plan to enter the   and give you some of his insights
                                            profession.  The forum is facilitated   on how to teach complex music to
                                            by ACDA Student Activities Co-     middle school students. We often
                                            Chairs: Ryan Beeken and Jennaya    think,  “Oh,  they’re  just  in middle
                                            Robison. The  forum will  include   school. They can’t do that.” Yes, yes
                                            “speed-chatting” round tables fa-  they can! Let’s challenge our middle
                                            cilitated by leaders in the profession   school/junior high students by using
                                            ranging from experts in children’s   effective  strategies  while  teaching
                                            choirs, high school choral music,   upper-level literature.
                                            community choirs, collegiate/uni-
                                            versity level choirs, and composers.   Presenter: Clinton Hardy

            84      CHORAL JOURNAL  Volume 63  Number 6                                                         February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book
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