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          God and each other.               sible examples of the many different   3 Dreaming a Just and Equitable
                                            genres, rhythms, scales, and musical   Choral Future with VOICES21C
          Presenters: Emily Floyd, Ariel    styles within Arab vocal music, and
          Merivil, and Tom Trenney          are appropriate for multiple levels of   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
                                            choral ensembles. For each song, we  North Meeting Room 206
                                            will cover historical and musical con-
           Contemporary/Commercial          text, and give participants substantial   VOICES21C  imagines  the  choir
           R&R Deep Dive                    experience singing the music.      as a locus for creativity, compassion,
                                                                               justice,  resistance, empowerment,
          Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor          Shireen Abu-Khader and             and equity. V21C strives to create
          Junior Ballroom B                 William Culverhouse, presenters    a space that engages participants to
                                                                               ponder and act to build a just and
            We are excited to “Deep Dive”  Zanaida Stewart Robles, presider    equitable future. In our session, mem-
          into some amazing pieces that could  Chair, California State R&R for    bers will discuss, demonstrate, and
          serve your a cappella group, choir,   Composition                    engage participants in improvisation,
          show choir, or  showcase  your  sing-                                creative play, community building, vi-
          ers in new and exciting ways! These                                  sual storytelling, and narrative-based
          pieces are out of the “norm” for show   2  Building a Culture        programming  for  choral  practice.
          choirs and bring a new take on con-  of Student Leadership           Participants will see and experience
          temporary a cappella!                                                values, activities, and  processes  to
                                            Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           help them build an artistic practice
          Presenters: Rob Dietz, Kelsey Burkett,   North Meeting Rooms 201-204   that is justice-centered and that
                                                                               prioritizes personal expression and
          and Tyler Domer                      When students feel part of a safe  vulnerability. Extensive resources on
                                            environment, learning is possible.  artistic and leadership practices will
                                            When students  use leadership skills  be highlighted and provided.
           Interest Sessions                to create that environment, the re-
           Choose from four options         sults are astounding. In this session,   André de Quadros, Krystal Morin, and
                                            presented in collaboration between   Bradford Dumont, presenters
                                            directors and student officers, we will
           1  Approaching New Arab Choral    look at ways to build student leader-  Mari Esabel Valverde, presider
          Repertoire for Mixed Voices       ship, and in turn strong communities   Member, National Standing
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          in choral programs of any size, age   Committee for Diversity Initiatives
          South Meeting Rooms 263-264       level, or background. Whether you
                                            are just starting down this path, or are
                                            looking for fresh ideas for a program
            There is a vast wealth of beautiful                                 4  Rounds: An Under-Utilized
          choral repertoire from Arab coun-  that is already established, this session   Genre that Enhances
                                            will have something for you and your
          tries, but many choral directors feel   students.                    Inclusion and Community
          daunted approaching it. This ses-
          sion will provide an introduction to   Sarah Leaman and Wesley Roy,   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          Arabic pronunciation and vocal style   presenters                    South Meeting Rooms 230-233
          by exploring five Arabic vocal pieces
          which are contemporary choral set- Justin Chase, presider              As we consciously build environ-
          tings of traditional musical material.   State President-Elect, Florida  ments,  methods,  and  repertoire
          These varied settings present acces-                                 welcoming to diverse populations (of

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            87
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