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          Tacoma Refugee Choir linked by     5  You Can Be H.I.P. Too!!! –      10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
          stories from members and a dem-   Conducting an Historically-Informed
          onstration of community, including   Orchestra                        Exhibitor’s Showcase
          an invitation  for  attendees to  sing
          along and be part of the sharing. As   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          one of the few intercultural refugee   South Meeting Rooms 263-264   Nat'l Assn. of Teachers of Singing
          choirs in the United States, the les-                                Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          sons of belonging learned from this   This session will explore topics for   Meeting Rooms 260-262
          unique community are applicable   the choral conductor related to the
          to all ensembles with members who   H.I.P. movement (Historically In-  Understanding voices from the
          feel othered by society. The Tacoma   formed Performance) of performing   inside/out: live scoping and vocal
          Refugee Choir is founded upon the   music with special attention to tech-  health.
          idea that it’s hard not to love people   nical  and  performance  conventions
          when you sing together. Though our   present when a work was composed.
          members come from diverse commu-  Topics  discussed  will  benefit  each   10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
          nities and have even fought against   conductor, ranging from the gifted
          one another in their countries of   aficionado  to  the  newly  intrigued,   Concert Session B  (Four Choirs)
          origin, members are united in hope   who is faced with the daunting task
          and joy. In our weekly gatherings, we   of conducting a full-size orchestra  Cincinnati Music Hall
          create time to acknowledge pain and   while still infusing an H.I.P. style   Springer Auditorium
          then transcend concerns to celebrate   into music making. This interactive
          in laughter and joy.              session will showcase the world-class  Christopher Kiver, presider
            Attendees will learn how we culti-  early-music specialists of the Spire   President, Eastern Region
          vate this space that feels welcoming to   Baroque Orchestra, using musical
          so many, including exercises we utilize   excerpts from Bach, Handel, Vivaldi,
          to acknowledge individual concerns   Mozart, Haydn, and Schubert.     10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
          and emotions people may feel upon                                       Young People's Chorus
          entering the space, how improvisation   Spire Baroque Orchestra,      1
          and movement reduces judgment and   Demonstration Group              of New York City
          improves tonal quality, our pedagogi-                                Elizabeth Núñez, conductor
          cal practice of teaching without sheet   Ben A. Spalding, presenter
          music and why this can be a strength                                 Suite for Dancing Voices:
          even for those classically trained. We   Julie Yu-Oppenheim, presider  I. Shing Way
          will briefly share our communal song-  Past President, Southwestern Region   II. Afternoon Melodies
          writing process and how being part                                   III. Quarry Weave
          of the writing process is both healing                               IV. Panda Chant
          and empowering.                                                      Meredith Monk
                                                                               Boosey & Hawkes

          Tacoma Refugee Choir, Insight Choir                                  Mignonne, allon voir si la Roze
                                                                               Guillaume Costeley
          Erin Guinup, presenter                                     

          Amanda Hanzlik, presider                                             Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman
          President-Elect, Eastern Region                                      Francisco J. Núñez,
                                                                               based on Mozart variations
                                                                               Hal Leonard Corporation

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            43
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