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Wednesday, February 22                      Continued on next page

           7:00 AM - 7:00 PM                 of   creativity,  agency,  and  skills  in   Scott Leaman, presider
                                             singers. Motivation to participate in   Chair, Southern Region R&R
          Registration Open                  choral ensembles is a complex issue   for Senior High Choirs
          Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor           influenced by both internal and exter-
                                             nal factors. In this session, we explore
          Grand Ballroom Pre-Function Lobby   how a singer’s perception of agency,

                                             relatedness, and empathy leads to   3   It Takes Two! Teaching Choral
           8:00 AM - 1:30 PM and             higher motivation for participation  Musicianship through Hip-Hop
           4:00 PM - 8:00 PM                 and retention in the choral ensemble  Duke Energy CC 3rd Floor

                                                                               Junior Ballroom D
          Exhibits Open                      Will McLean and Thomas Rinn,
          Duke Energy Convention Center      presenters                           In this session, music educators
          Grand Ballrooms A & B              Nathan Dame, presider             will learn how to use culturally re-

                                             Chair, National R&R for           sponsive teaching strategies to build
                                                                               a bridge between the prior knowl-
           8:00 AM - 8:50 AM                 Senior High School Choirs         edge of  hip-hop enthusiasts and

                                                                               their newfound content knowledge
           Exhibitor’s Showcase                                                within choral music. This interactive
                                             2  Growth Mindset:                session will have teachers engaged in
          ECS Publishing Group               Striving for Improvement in       activities and exercises that promote
                                             Your Choir and Yourself           movement, healthy vocal technique,
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor                                             music literacy, rehearsal strategies,
          Meeting Rooms 260-262              Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          and culture building through the
                                             North Meeting Room 206            implementation of hip-hop in choral
          Choral music for school and concert                                  classrooms. Finally, this session will
          use from E. C. Schirmer and Galaxy   How can our mindset improve our  dissect biases surrounding the use of
          Music.                             daily lives and the ensembles we work  hip-hop, and empower teachers to
                                             with? This session examines different  dismantle systemic racism and create
                                             approaches to our mindsets, under-  safe spaces for students who love and
           Interest Sessions                 standing the science and research  value genres outside of the Western
           Choose from five options          behind a mindset, presenting strate-  European art canon.
                                             gies and examples for implementing
                                             a growth mindset in an ensemble, and   Jasmine Fripp, presenter
           1  A Place for Everyone: Fostering   exploring  how  the  growth  mindset
          Agency in Choral Rehearsals        can be used to address current soci- Emily Williams Burch, presider
          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           etal issues like diversity and equity.   Chair, National Standing Committee
                                             In the session, participants will learn
          North Meeting Rooms 201-204        about their own mindset tendencies,   for Advocacy and Collaboration
                                             gain ideas for creating an environ-
            When considering what motivates   ment of growth, and discover ways to
          singers to return to choirs day after   promote equity and inclusivity in our
          day, how can we create a place of   ensembles and our field.
          belonging for all singers? We must
          consider how we foster a safe space   Trevor Tran, presenter
          that is conducive to the development
          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            39
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