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Meet Rachel Cornacchio, director of
                                                                           Messiah’s Graduate Program in Music,
                                                                           at College Night at this year’s conference.

                  your                                                       •  Three specialized degree tracks:
                                                                              wind, orchestral, choral
                                                                             •  NASM-accredited
                                                           online            •  Post-master’s certificate
                                                                              in music conducting
                                                                             •  Emphasis on summer and online
                                                                              coursework, designed to fit the
                 With a program and faculty reflecting a national             schedules of busy professionals
                 reputation for academic excellence, Messiah University’s    •  Our faculty are experienced music
                                                                              educators and conductors, and
                 master’s degree in music conducting will enhance your
                                                                              take time to mentor students
                 ability as an effective music educator and conductor.       •  Coursework is instantly applicable
                                                                              to your everyday work setting
                   E x p er i en c e t h e a c a d em i c d i s t i n c t i o n o f a
                   Experience the academic distinction of a nationally ranked Christian university.

                               APPLY TODAY
               your career

                               Online  |  Flexible  |  Affordable

            36      CHORAL JOURNAL  Volume 63  Number 6                                                         February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book
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