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          David O. Thorsen (1987–1989) ✝    IT Project Manager                 • To foster and encourage rehearsal
          Diana J. Leland (1989–1991)       Scott Davis                        procedures conducive to attaining
          William B. Hatcher (1991–1993)    Advertising and Exhibits           the highest possible level of musi-
          John B. Haberlen (1993–1995)      Manager                            cianship and artistic performance.
          Lynn Whitten (1995–1997) ✝        Sindy Hail                         • To foster and promote the organi-
          James A. Moore (1997–1999) ✝                                         zation and development of choral
          Milburn Price (1999–2001)         Region Accountant                  groups of all types in schools and
          Mitzi Groom (2001–2003)           Adriana Garcia-Brown               colleges.
          David Stutzenberger (2003–2005)   Publications Editor                • To foster and promote the develop-
          Michele Holt (2005–2007) ✝        Amanda Bumgarner                   ment of choral music in the church
          Hilary Apfelstadt (2007–2009)     Publications Managing Editor       and synagogue.
          Jerry McCoy (2009–2011)           Ron Granger
          Jo-Michael Scheibe (2011–2013)                                       • To foster and promote the organi-
          Karen Fulmer (2013–2015)                                             zation and development of choral
          Mary Hopper (2015–2017)             Mission Statement                societies in cities and communities.
          Tom Shelton (2017–2019)                                              • To foster and promote understand-
          Lynne Gackle (2019–2021), Chair   The mission of ACDA is to inspire   ing of choral music as an important
                                            excellence and nurture lifelong
          ✝ Deceased                        involvement in choral music for    medium of contemporary artistic

                                            everyone through education,        expression.
                                            performance, composition, and
                                            advocacy.                          • To foster and promote significant
           National Office Staff                                               research in the field of choral music.

                                              Vision Statement                 • To foster and encourage choral
          Executive Director                                                   composition of superior quality.
          Robyn Hilger                      To create powerful artistic experi-

          Associate Director and            ences and be advocates for cultural   •  To cooperate with all organiza-
          Conference Liaison                and educational change that we     tions dedicated to the development
          D. Brent Ballweg                  might transform people’s lives.    of musical culture in America.

          Director of Conference Planning     Purposes of ACDA                 • To foster and promote interna-
          Debbie Beckner                                                       tional exchange programs involving
                                                                               performing groups, conductors, and
          Director of Finances              • To foster and promote choral     composers.
          Marvin Meyer                      singing, which will provide artistic,
                                            cultural, and spiritual experiences   • To disseminate professional news
          Membership Experience             for the participants.              and information about choral mu-
          Manager                                                              sic.
          Trina Kopacka                     • To  foster  and  promote  the  fin-
                                            est types of choral music to make   • To foster and promote choral
          Membership Experience             these experiences possible.        singing in the pursuit of peace and
          Coordinator                                                          justice that enhances social and
          Kelly Pearson                                                        emotional well-being.

          CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book                                           Volume 63  Number 6            163
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