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Advocacy in Action:  Get to Know the National ACDA Standing Committees

          Resources:                                        national Conductors Exchange Program (ICEP), which
                                                            provides  annual  opportunities  for  ACDA  members  to
         Web-based  professional  development  is  available  on   apply for an exchange program with the international
         the ACDA website. This committee has hosted several   community. ACDA members travel to the host country
         national webinars that are available for free (https://  for an exchange experience and also host our interna-           tional partners at an ACDA region or national confer-
                                                            ence. More information about the ICEP can be found at
         Education and Communication Choral Journal focus is-
         sue (September 2020)

         List of recommended reading for K-12 choral teachers   How can members connect with the committee?
         in ChorTeach (Summer 2022)
                                                            ACDA International Activities Facebook page “ACDA
                                                            International Activities” or via email:
                     Standing Committee for
                   International Activities (SCIA)

                                                                         Standing Committee for
          Who is included on the committee?                              Research & Publications

         Chair:  Joshua  Habermann;  Members:  Nicolás  Dos-
         man, Jeremy Jones, Wendy Moy, and Giselle Wyers     Who is included on the committee?

                                                            Chair: Jessica Napoles; Members: Elisa Dekaney, Patrick
                                                            Freer, and Elizabeth Parker
          What is the committee’s mission?

         To create connections between leaders of the U.S. cho-
         ral community with counterparts across the globe.    What is the committee’s mission?

         To  forge  stronger  relationships  between  ACDA  and   Broadly  speaking,  we  work  to  amplify  the  role  of
         choral associations around the world.              research and scholarship in our profession. Practically
                                                            speaking, we also approve editorial members (including
         To raise the visibility and leadership role of the Ameri-  editor) for the International Journal of  Research in Choral Sing-
         can Choral Directors Association in the global choral   ing, (IJRCS) ACDA’s research journal; appoint the Re-
         community.                                         search Report column editor for the Choral Journal; and
                                                            assist with the planning for the Symposium for Research
          What does the committee provide for ACDA          in Choral Singing. For the national ACDA conference, we
          members?                                          facilitate the Research Poster Session. If you are interest-
                                                            ed in furthering our goal of amplifying research endeav-
           The committee hosts a reception for international   ors in the choral profession, please consider submitting a
         guests at the National Conference and has a presence   manuscript for publication in the International Journal for
         in the regions during region years. If anyone is inter-  Choral Singing or a proposal for the Research Poster Session.
         ested in hosting a visiting international conductor in
         their region, we can help facilitate.
           The committee is responsible for the ACDA Inter-

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