Page 32 - CJNov_Dec24
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Research Report
have historically been underrepresented? When choos- organization meetings, as well as city or town council
ing locations, it is important to use intimate knowledge meetings or social meet and greets. These moments
of the landscape and consider potential barriers that can provide organizations opportunities to realize how
might hinder welcoming everyone. Such actions rec- the chorus fits meaningfully into the larger community
ognize the importance of acting as ambassadors both narrative.
within and beyond their communities. Lastly, partnering with other local choruses that have
Similarly, organizations might take time to attend different lived experiences can be a fruitful endeavor
community events that are not directly related to the to connect with different parts of the community. This
chorus. Attendance at such events can show the organi- might occur through a performance partnership or
zation’s presence and encourage building connections organizing and volunteering together for non-music
with those who may not be familiar with the chorus. community events. Further, organizations might look
This might include attending both arts and non-arts at the needs of their singers outside of the rehearsal
What Could Reflective and Reflexive Practice Look Like?
1. Keep the singers at the forefront of the experience.
2. Consider programming repertoire that may honor the lived experiences of singers within and beyond the ensemble.
3. Reconsider “tried-and-true” pedagogical approaches that may not be responsive to the singers in the room.
4. Embrace and model vulnerability by acknowledging actions, missteps, and feelings.
What Could Community Look Like?
1. Use pedagogical strategies that support singer awareness.
2. Create partnerships with artists outside the organization, including composers and university students.
3. Recognize the role both individuals and groups play within the organization or ensemble.
What Could Working with/for the Broader Community Look Like?
1. Examine how the choir is present in the larger community.
2. Attend community events that may not be directly related to the chorus.
3. Partner with other local choruses.
30 CHORAL JOURNAL November/December 2024 Volume 65 Number 4