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2025 ACDA National Conference March 18-22, 2025 Dallas, Texas
University and is currently pursuing her MM in choral distinguished choral faculty. As an aspiring high school
conducting at Baylor University in Waco, TX, where chorus teacher, she is committed to empowering the
she lives with her husband, Brent, and their pudgy cat, next generation of musicians through inclusive, collab-
Frankie. orative, and impactful music making.
Undergraduate Reid Simmons is a conductor and or-
ganist from the Greater Philadelphia
area. He is currently finishing his studies
Peyton Caleb Bowditch is an aspiring at West Chester University of Pennsylva-
music educator and choral conductor nia for two bachelor’s degrees in music
currently pursuing a BME at the Uni- education and organ performance. Simmons serves as
versity of North Carolina at Greensboro the director of music at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
(UNCG). Raised in Raleigh, North Car- in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, where he conducts the
olina, Bowditch is committed to fostering diversity and choir; plays organ; oversees the music program; and
inclusivity in the musical arts. As an African American has founded, produces, and conducts the annual com-
male and member of the LGBTQIA+ community, he munity choral Love Concert. The Love Concert was
brings a unique perspective to advocacy for underrepre- created to inspire people of all backgrounds to join to-
sented communities in music education. Bowditch was gether and produce a secular concert themed around
one of only four participants chosen for the NCAC- spreading love, acceptance, and advocacy in the com-
DA Undergraduate Conducting Masterclass in 2023, munity and the world. In 2022 he received the Lois
guided by Dr. Craig Hella Johnson. He received the Williams Concert Choir Award, an award given to a
John Philip Sousa Award and the Patrick S. Gilmore strong choral ensemble leader who goes above and be-
Leadership Award. At UNCG, he serves as an ambas- yond to demonstrate choral and musical excellence.
sador for the College of Visual and Performing Arts,
music director for the Iota Epsilon chapter of Phi Mu
Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity, and choral representative on Thien-An Truong is a dedicated sec-
the NAfME Board. ond-year vocal performance student at
San Jose State University, where he has
a passion for teaching voice and choral
Isabella Pinilla is a senior choral music music, along with a profound respect for
education major at the Florida State Uni- the human voice as an instrument. Truong was select-
versity, where she is also pursuing a spe- ed as one of only four participants to conduct at the
cialized studies certificate in voice perfor- Western ACDA Region Conference Undergraduate
mance. She currently serves as president Masterclass in Pasadena, CA, with Dr. Joseph Huszti
of the Gospel Choir, as well as assistant music direc- during his first year. He spent a week in the summer of
tor and performance director of the FSU AcaBelles. 2024 with Cascade Conducting in Tacoma, WA, as-
She also served as outreach chair for FSU’s chapter of sisting Dr. Geoffrey Boers. During his senior year of
ACDA from 2023 to 2024, helping recruit new mem- high school, he served as student assistant director of
bers and foster community among future music edu- the Christopher High School Chamber and Bella Voce
cators. Pinilla’s diverse musical experiences extend to choirs, conducting rehearsals, concerts, and playing ac-
solo performances and arranging for various ensem- companimental percussion. Truong plans to pursue a
bles. Her passion for music education is reflected in her career as a conductor, specializing in orchestral-choral
fieldwork, including leading rehearsals at middle and works, operas, and choral ensembles.
high schools and receiving masterclass feedback from
CHORAL JOURNAL March/April 2025 Volume 65 Number 7 73