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                                             Alphabetical Listing of Interest Sessions
                            2025            2025 ACDA National Conference                                                                 March 18-22, 2025                                                                        Dallas, Texas
                         March 18-22 Dallas, TX       Student Conducting Masterclass Participants

        The National Student Conducting Masterclass selects   Studio’s production of Offenbach’s Orpheus in the Under-
        students through a competitive process in the early fall   world, and music director of Out of the Blue, a prison
        of the even-numbered year. The Collegiate National   outreach choir. He received a bachelor’s degree in music
        R&R Team serve as the  program coordinators. The    from Harvard University and master’s degree in choral
        selected  participants have the  opportunity to receive   conducting from Yale’s Institute of Sacred Music. He
        personalized guidance from esteemed choral directors   looks forward to lending his training and diverse expe-
        and will conduct the Biola University Chorale (Shaw-  rience  to conducting works  for choir, musical theater,
        na Stewart, director) as the demonstration choir at the   opera, and orchestra.
        2025 National Conference.

                                                                        Kyra Stahr is a DMA candidate in choral
                            Graduate                                    conducting at  the  University of Miami,
                                                                        and serves as a graduate teaching assistant
                                                                        and assistant conductor of Seraphic Fire.
                    Youngeun Kim, a native of South Korea,              Stahr  is  instructor of record for Choral
                    is a second-year doctoral student in cho-  Conducting 1 and the premier treble ensemble, Bella
                    ral conducting at the University of Arizo-  Voce. An active guest conductor, clinician, and present-
                    na. As a graduate teaching assistant, she   er, she has shared her expertise at international confer-
                    currently serves as the assistant conduc-  ences, including the 2023 World Symposium on Cho-
        tor of the University Community Chorus. Additional-  ral Music, the 2025 ACDA National Conference, and
        ly, she is the music director at First United Methodist   TMEA 2025 Conference. In 2022 she was selected for
        Church and the assistant conductor at Tucson Master-  the ACDA Eastern Graduate Conducting Masterclass.
        works Chorale. She presented on the Korean female   She holds an MM in choral music from the Universi-
        composer Hyo-won Woo at the University of Arizona’s   ty of Southern California and a BM in vocal perfor-
        DEI Choral Literature Intensive in June 2024 and was   mance  and  music education  from Miami University.
        awarded the Medici Scholarship in 2024. In 2022, Kim   Stahr co-founded and co-hosts the podcast conduct(her)
        was one of three conductors selected to conduct in the   with her sister McKenna Stenson. conduct(her) amplifies
        Southern ACDA Region Conference Conducting Mas-     the voices of women conductors and composers while
        terclass with Dr. Eugene Rogers. Kim completed a BM   exploring the gender divide in the choral music field.
        in vocal performance and MM in choral conducting
        from Ewha Woman’s University in South Korea, and
        earned a second master’s degree in choral conducting            Alissa Ruth Suver has an active career as
        from the University of Louisville.                              a teacher, conductor, and singer. She sings
                                                                        with professional choral ensembles around
                                                                        the country, including the Santa Fe Desert
                    Sydney Mukasa is a conductor, tenor,                Chorale, Skylark, Ensemble Altera, Con-
                    and pianist from Baltimore, Maryland.   spirare, Ensemble Iona, ensemble viii,  The Crossing,
                    He is currently in his third year of doc-  and True Concord. In the past year, she has been select-
                    toral  study in choral  conducting  at  the   ed for conducting masterclasses at Eastern ACDA (Jason
                    University of Michigan School of Music,   Max Ferdinand, clinician)  and the Norfolk  Chamber
        Theatre & Dance. Studying in the studio of Dr. Eugene   Music Festival (Jeffrey Douma, clinician). She also has
        Rogers, Mukasa has recently served at the University   a wealth of middle and high school choral teaching ex-
        as music director of Arts Chorale, assistant conductor   perience, most recently at Timber Creek High School
        of the Men’s Glee Club, chorus director of the Opera   in Fort Worth, Texas. She holds a BME from Capital

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