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From the                                                                     NATIONAL OFFICERS


                             January 2025 is somehow upon us, and we all know      DAVID FRYLING
                          what that means: It’s time for the ACDA Choral Journal
                          National Conference issue!
                             In my last January column I listed three reasons why   VICE PRESIDENT
                          you could not afford not to attend your ACDA Region-     EDITH COPLEY
                          al Conference. This January—to showcase some of the
                          things you will experience if you join us in March—I’m   PRESIDENT-ELECT
          David Fryling   offering the following Dallas-specific context to those      PEARL SHANGKUAN
                          reasons you still can’t afford to miss this conference:

        1. (Re)connect with friends old and new amid the rich Dallas cho-     SECRETARY/TREASURER
        ral arts community.                                                      TOM MERRILL
          Grab  lunch with  dear  friends! Buttonhole  that  composer you  want  to
        commission!  And  experience  the  Texas  choral  culture  firsthand  with  the   PAST PRESIDENT
        Welcome to Dallas Concert (featuring The Greater Dallas Choral Soci-     ANDRÉ THOMAS
        ety for Children and Youth, St. John’s Music Ministry, Vocal Majority, and
        the Turtle Creek Chorale) and the Dallas Farewell Concert presenting
        Jake Runestad’s Earth Symphony (conducted by Jake with the Baylor Univer-  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
        sity Symphony Orchestra, Baylor University A Cappella Choir, University      ROBYN HILGER
        of Texas-Arlington  A Cappella  Choir, University of Texas-San  Antonio
        Chamber Singers).                                                     NATIONAL R&R CHAIR
                                                                                 GRETCHEN HARRISON
        2. Learn from experts in our field, exploring new ways to approach
        what we do.
          Learn how choirs across the nation are using choral music to support mis-  EASTERN REGION PRESIDENT
        sions that are social or community related via the Insight Choir sessions      AMANDA HANZLIK
        (featuring  the  Dallas  Street  Choir, Credo  Community Choir, UT  Dallas
        Choirs, and Prairie View A&M University Concert Chorale). Watch veteran   MIDWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
        conducting teachers mentor graduate students in the ACDA Conducting     DERRICK FOX
        Masterclass. And hear JoAnn Falletta conduct Verdi’s Requiem (fea-
        turing The Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the Dallas Symphony Chorus &    NORTHWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
        the Dallas Symphony Children’s Chorus).
                                                                                 STEVEN ZIELKE
        3. Hear new music and new ways of musicking.
          Learn  by  singing  with  genre-specific  choral  experts  in  our  three  Im-  SOUTHERN REGION PRESIDENT
        mersion Choirs: Black Diaspora (Anton Armstrong and Brandon Boyd),       JEFFERY AMES
        Southeast Asia (Tracy Wong and John Byun), and Latinoamérica (Daniel Al-
        fonso and Diana Saez). And come early to join the Bent But Not Broken   SOUTHWESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
        3.5 Tuesday pre-conference event, elevating the vocal music and artists of      JONATHAN D. OWEN
        the Black and African Diaspora and giving voice to marginalized communi-
        ties of music makers.
          It takes a choral village to vision and plan each of our conferences, and—  WESTERN REGION PRESIDENT
        on behalf of all of our membership—I want to extend a heartfelt thank          JULIE DANA
        you and congratulations to ACDA Vice President Edie Copley, Conference
        Chair, and her Dallas Conference Planning Committee:                  INDUSTRY ASSOCIATE REPRESENTATIVE

                             (Continued on the next page)                        OLIVER SCOFIELD
                                                                                 KI Concerts
        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2025                                               Volume 65  Number 5           3             
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