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Contents                                                  January 2025/Volume 65, Number 5

                                               Conference Previews

                                                 9 Concert Events and Performers
                                                        t Ev
                                                            ents and P

                                                  A preview of the forty-seven performing groups. Performers
                                                  are listed by concert session and include dates/times of
                                                  performances and choir/conductor bios and photos.
                                               39 Interest Sessions
                                                  A preview of the forty-nine interest sessions. Sessions are listed in
                                                  alphabetical order and include dates/times, a short description of the
                                                  session, and a bio and photo of the session clinician.

                                                 Insight Choir Sessions
                                               69 Insight Choir Sessions
                                                 A preview of  the two insight choirs. Sessions are listed in alphabetical
                                                 order and include dates/times, and a bio and photo of the session
                                               73 R&R Forums and Deep Dives
        Annual dues (includes subscription to the  Choral   73  R&R F or ums and Dee p Div es
        Journal): Active $125, Industry $150, Institutional   A preview of the fourteen forums and thirteen deep dives. They are listed
        $135, Retired $45, and Student $15. Library   in alphabetical order by R&R cateogry and include dates/times and a
        annual subscription rates: U.S. $75; Canada $80;   short description.
        International $170. Single Copy Issues US/Canada:
        $9; International: $20. Circulation: 13,000. Main   86 Immersion Choir Experiences
                                                        sion Choir Experiences

        office: 405-232-8161
                                                 A preview of the three immersion choir experiences. They are listed in
        The Choral Journal (US ISSN 0009-5028) is issued   alphabetical order and include dates/times, a short description of the
        monthly except for April, July, and December by the   choir, and conductor bios and photos.
        American Choral Directors Association. Periodicals
        postage paid at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and ad-  88  Student Conducting  Master class
                                               88 Student Conducting Masterclass
        ditional mailing office.
                                                 Information about the graduate and undergraduate masterclasses and
        POSTMASTER: Send address changes to      a bio and photo of the four clinicians and the demonstration choir and
        Choral Journal, PO Box 1705, Oklahoma City,   conductor.
        Oklahoma 73101-1705.
                                               90  Honor Choirs
        Since 1959, the Choral Journal has been the refereed,
        international journal of the American Choral Directors    Dates/times of the five honor choirs with a bio and photo of the
        Association. Each issue features: scholarly articles,    conductors.
        anonymously peer-reviewed by the editorial board;
        refereed articles on pedagogical or scientific issues for
        the choral conductor; refereed articles with practical   News
        advice and ideas for the choral conductor; reviews of
        books, recorded  sound, and  choral  works  by  choral     5  Julius Herford Award Winner - Andrew Major
        experts;  and  editorials  from  association leadership.
        The January issue previews each year’s regional or     6 2025 National Conference Registration Information
        national conference offerings. Articles from the Choral
        Journal can be found in the following online databases:   72 Call for National Repertoire and Resource Positions
        JSTOR (Arts  &  Sciences  XI Collection); ProQuest
        (International Index to Music Periodicals); University
        Microfilms   International;   NaPublishing;   RILM   Editorial
        (Répertoire  International  de Littérature  Musicale);
        EBSCO music index; and WorldCat. Advertising     2  From the Executive Director
        options are available for members and nonmembers.
        Cover art by Efrain Guerrero. Interior art by Tammy     3  From the President
        Brummell. Musical examples by Tunesmith Music
        <>. Copyright 2025.    4  From the Editor
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