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        From the                                                                    EDITORIAL BOARD


                                                                                 AMANDA BUMGARNER
                             In January 2020, I wrote my editor’s column in-
                           troducing the preview issue of the ACDA Regional      ACDA National Offi  ce
                                                                                 405-232-8161 (ex. 205)
                           Conferences. It’s a little overwhelming to think of all
                           that has happened in the world, and within our cho-
                           ral community, in the last two years. For many who   MANAGING EDITOR
                           attended, those conferences were the last in-person     RON GRANGER
        Amanda Bumgarner   performances they heard for quite some time. We are     ACDA National Offi  ce
                           looking forward to being together in person again this     405-232-8161
        coming February and March. Each season of conference planning comes
        with its own challenges, but these committees and presidents are truly work-  EDITORIAL BOARD
        ing under unique pressure. The sessions, performances, and headliners you
        see in this issue are a result of their work to bring you an exciting and inspir-  SEAN MICHAEL BURTON
        ing conference that will celebrate our official return to the live ACDA stage.

          There are many exciting events, special performances, and interest ses-    MARQUES L. A. GARRETT
        sions that you will not want to miss. Registration is now open! We do want
        to remind you that the information in this issue is current as of press time.
                                                                                MICHAEL PORTER
        Make sure to consult your region’s website for the most up-to-date informa-
        tion about dates, locations, pricing, and CDC recommendations regarding
        COVID-19 protocols.                                                      WILLIAM SOUTHERLAND
          Looking ahead to articles and focus issues for the 2022 calendar year,
        consider how you may want to contribute research to our ACDA publica-   DEBRA SPURGEON
        tions: Choral Journal, ChorTeach, and the International Journal of  Research in Cho-
        ral Singing (IJRCS). Our membership is broad, but our hope is that everyone

        can find something of interest within the pages of our various publications.     WILLIAM WEINERT
        Find out more information at under the “Publications” dropdown.
          The April 2020 issue will feature our annual free Summer Festival and     GISELLE WYERS
        Workshop Listing. Submissions should be emailed to abumgarner@acda.
        org by January 15 in the following format:
                                                                               COLUMN EDITORS
          Event date
          Event name                                                             KEVIN DIBBLE
          Event location (specify if online)
          One-sentence description of the event                                 CHRISTOPHER EANES
          Contact information (name, phone, email, website)            

                                                                                KYLE HANSON

                                                                                 BRYAN E. NICHOLS

          Editor’s Correction: We are including an updated repertoire listing from    JASON PAULK
        the November/December 2021 issue, page 64. Holding Our Breath by Carlos
        Cordero SATB, Unaccompanied. Poet: Julie Flanders. “Holding Our Breath    GREGORY PYSH
        will explore the worldwide need and fear to breathe together right now,
        using the lens of breath itself to address the virus, uncertainty, and racism     LAURA WIEBE
        we face.” This piece won ACDA’s 2020 Genesis Prize.            

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                            Volume 62  Number 5            5
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