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        that this season will pass, as the others have before.                    • To foster and promote choral
                                                                                   singing, which will provide artistic,
           Organizations are not immune to liminal times, and ACDA is currently    cultural, and spiritual experiences
        experiencing our own liminal season. We know what the choral experience    for the participants.
        was like in our classrooms, communities, colleges and universities, and worship   • To foster and promote the finest
        spaces before 2020. We remember what it was like to be able to sing without   types of choral music to make
        masks and to stand close together in community. We remember what concerts   these experiences possible.
        were like before zoom and video editing. In almost all cases, we experienced a   • To foster and encourage rehearsal
        deep sense of loss in our inability to gather and sing together.           procedures conducive to

           When we find ourselves between the known past and the still unknown      attaining the highest possible
        future, we need not remain still. Liminality does not require passivity or inac-  level of musicianship and artistic
        tivity! Once we yield to this unknowing and uncertainty, we can see this space
        is full of its own possibilities. Just as airports have rebranded from liminal spac-  • To foster and promote the
                                                                                   organization and development
        es to destinations, we can approach this liminal time in much the same way:   of choral groups of all types in
        during this period of reorientation, we have the opportunity to strengthen   schools and colleges.
        ourselves and our organization for the future we know will come.          • To foster and promote the
           ACDA is embarking on an examination of our By-Laws, and you will start   development of choral music in the
        to see calls for open comments on our website and social media. This will be   church and synagogue.
        your chance to participate directly in how the governance of this organization   • To foster and promote the
        works. It is not glamorous work, but it is work that will manifest in our ability   organization and development
        to serve you well for the future. We will also continue our work to become a   of choral societies in cities and
        more equitable organization. You will see this intentionality on full display in
        your region conferences and the exciting 2023 National Conference, among   • To foster and promote the
        other upcoming initiatives.                                                understanding of choral music as an
                                                                                   important medium of contemporary
           A leadership transition is a liminal space for any organization, and I am   artistic expression.
        eager to participate directly with you during the region conferences to better
        understand how ACDA can continue to grow to serve the needs of the mem-   •To foster and promote significant
                                                                                   research in the field of choral music.
        bership. Personally, I am in my own liminal season being new to this choral
        community. I am keenly aware that there is a particular advantage to having a   •To foster and encourage choral
                                                                                   composition of superior quality.
        new lens through which to examine our work, while at the same time, it is clear
        to me every day just how much I do not know. If you see me wandering around   • To cooperate with all organizations
        your region conference, don’t hesitate to stop me, introduce yourself, and point   dedicated to the development of
                                                                                   musical culture in America.
        me in the right direction. I’ll certainly appreciate having your friendship and
        guidance while I’m out on the road!                                       •To foster and promote international
           I want to encourage you to continue to have hope that we will get “there”   exchange programs involving
                                                                                   performing groups, conductors, and
        soon enough. As we steadily move from our past to our future, I invite you to   composers.
        join me in embracing the gift that is this very special liminal time. It is okay
        for us to not know yet how to get where we want to go or how to do the work   • To disseminate professional news
                                                                                   and information about choral
        we need to do. In this liminal space, we can take heart in knowing we are here   music.
        together, and we will get there together. I am very much looking forward to   • To foster and promote choral singing
        continuing this work with you.                                             in the pursuit of peace and justice
                                                                                   that enhances social and emotional

                                                                                  • To foster and promote diversity and
                                                                                   inclusivity through active engage-
                                                                                   ment with underrepresented choral
                                                                                   musicians and potential choral
                                                                                   —ACDA Constitution and Bylaws

        CHORAL JOURNAL  January 2022                                      Volume 62  Number 5            3
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