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2025 Friday, March 21 Detailed Schedule
March 18-22 Dallas, TX
3 Celebrating Accessible Artistry: techniques, syncopated rhythms, participants will learn to apply the
Repertoire and Practices for and embellishments. The purpose concept of “Musical Identity” to
Open-Enrollment Collegiate Choirs of this session is to explore the spiri- rehearsal design and organizational
tual arrangements and anthems of revitalization. This standing room-
First United Methodist Church Lela Anderson, a Texas native and only session from the 2024 North-
Atrium celebrated composer/arranger of western ACDA Region Conference
negro spirituals and anthems. Lela instructs the future practice of all
Programming concerts for begin- Anderson and Demetrius Robinson through thoughtful consideration
ning mixed-voice collegiate choirs will guide the insight choir through of the past.
can be a daunting task, especially with the interpretation and performance
small ensembles, uneven voice part practice of various spiritual arrange- Kendra Kay Friar, presenter
distributions, and a varied spectrum ments and anthems. Attendees will
of familiarity with choral musician- leave the session with a greater aware- Amber Shroeder, presider
ship. How do we create an artistically ness of Anderson’s choral works and Pacific Youth Choir
meaningful and intellectually fulfilling her inspiration for writing, a resource
experience for our young adult sing- guide including a set of octavos to
ers while also building foundational incorporate in their choral library, 6 “Let’s Sing Indonesian Choral
skills and vocal technique? This in- and practical strategies to assist in Works” with Maestro Avip Priatna
teractive session explores methods for performing Anderson’s works with and the Batavia Madrigal Singers
nurturing artistic integrity in the be- authenticity and respect.
ginning collegiate experience through National Shrine Cathedral of
creative programming practices and Demetrius Robinson, presenter Our Lady of Guadalupe
the inclusion of extra-choral artistry. Sanctuary
Participants will receive a useful da- Prairie View A&M University
tabase of flexible repertoire for their Concert Chorale, Insight Choir This workshop will focus on four
ensembles in SAB, SSAB, SA(T)B, choral works by young Indonesian
and SATB voicings. Ryan Fisher, presider composers that show the possibility
Miami University-Ohio of variations, nuances, and styles
Aaron Peisner and Stephanie Tubiolo, that Indonesian choral works can
presenters achieve. What you’ll learn in each
5 “ I Am a Musician! “ piece:
“Di Ambang Batas” (Fero Al-
Joshua Cheney, presider Fostering a Childs Musical Identity diansya Stefanus): how body per-
Gardner-Webb University First United Methodist Church cussion creates an atmospheric
Crossroads sound to portray the very idea of
“The Judgment Day,” as the title
4 Exploring the Negro Spirituals The children who first experienced of the song implies.
“Stabat Mater Dolorosa” (Va-
and Anthems by Lela Anderson choral singing on Zoom five years tara A. Silalahi): hear the dissection
ago occupy the ranks of children’s
First United Methodist Church choirs today. This interactive session of this contemporary piece directly
Sanctuary highlights the educational needs of from the composer, who is also a
today’s youngest choristers—some member of BMS.
Many composers today have of whom first experienced in-person “Gayatri” (Bagus S. Utomo): the
drawn inspiration from early Negro ensemble singing in middle child- cultural depth of Gayatri mantra
spirituals by using call-and-response hood. Through storytelling and song, (Hinduism) by incorporating Bali-
82 CHORAL JOURNAL Volume 65 Number 6 February 2025 / ACDA National Conference Program Book