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        olescent-aged ensembles. This session   2  Building a Better         ence. Participants will also engage
        will provide a brief overview of the   Voice Care Toolkit            in guided group practice of voice-
        leading research in the physiology of                                optimization exercises for singing and
        the voice change and focus on what   National Shrine Cathedral of    speaking as well as a Q&A. Attendees
        we can do as conductor-teachers to   Our Lady of Guadalupe           will  leave  empowered  to  advocate
        guide our singers through this tumul-  Grand Salon                   for themselves, educate others, and
        tuous time. Attendees will leave the                                 implement strategies to optimize
        session with a research-based method   Join Singing Voice Specialist Philip  healthier voice use.
        of voicing and grouping singers and  A. Doucette for an interactive lec-
        a toolbox of vocal exercises tailored  ture/demonstration designed to help   Philip A. Doucette, presenter
        to helping singers develop healthy  choral professionals of all levels and
        singing habits and avoid the pitfalls  backgrounds demystify dysphonia.  Kimberly Marie Doucette, presider
        of fighting biology.               Attendees will learn about current   Wilmington Children’s Chorus
                                           best practices in the prevention of
        Kurtis Heinrich, presenter         voice  injury  as  well  as  effective  ap-

                                           proaches for the care of the profes-
        Kevin McBeth, presider             sional voice user based on current
        State President, Missouri          research and years of clinical experi-

                                   National Collegiate Choral Organization

                                   Welcomes all faculty and students involved in post-secondary
                                   choral music to join us:


                         Reception                      +

                                                                       E L E V EN T H  BIEN N I AL
                                                                          C ON F E RE N CE
                             Flora Cantina                         California State University
                       2353 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas                at Fullerton, California

                         Friday, March 21, 2025                          November 5–8

                             10 pm–Midnight                                   2025

                           Details & calls for conference participation:

          NCCO believes that singing together in post-secondary spaces can be a vital force for culturally-responsive
                teaching and learning, one that connects us with each other, builds empathy, and inspires joy.

        CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2025 / ACDA National Conference Program Book                                             Volume 65  Number 6            81
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