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                          2025             Thursday, March 20                                Detailed Schedule

                       March 18-22 Dallas, TX

          9:00 am - 9:50 am                Maxwell Trombley and Kyra Stahr,   3  Developing Embodied Sound:
                                           presenters                        Enhancing Rehearsal and
                                                                             Performance through Movement
         Exhibitor’s Showcase              Amanda Quist, presider
                                           Past Coordinator, National R&R    First United Methodist Church
                OPEN TO BOTH TRACKS
                                           for Collegiate Choirs             Upper Room (3rd Floor)
        KI Concerts
                                                                               Incorporating movement into the
        Meyerson Symphony Center           2  Collaborative Arranging        choral rehearsal and performance
        Horchow Hall                       for Contemporary Choirs           can feel daunting and uninspired.
                                                                             This session will focus on how to
                                           First United Methodist Church     organically incorporate movement
          Interest Sessions                Crossroads                        into rehearsals and performances
                                                                             to enhance, expedite, and ignite
          Choose from seven options          Choral singers have  long been   musical ownership in  your singers.

                                           trained to  read  written music ac-  Movement will be divided into three
                OPEN TO BOTH TRACKS
                                           curately  and carefully.  What hap-  categories—free form, guided, and
                                           pens  when  we  flip  this  modality   choreographed—to  provide  various
         1 Championing Inclusive Choral    over and create full and complete   points of entry for each director and

        Futures: Navigating Disability     choral arrangements aurally? The   ensemble. Participants will be active
        Perspectives                       collaborative arranging model helps   in the session as we develop a vocabu-
                                           to  empower singers from diverse   lary of gestures and teaching strate-
        National Shrine Cathedral of       backgrounds with strong aural     gies. These movement techniques will
        Our Lady of Guadalupe              traditions, and encourages groups   support an embodied choral sound
        Sanctuary                          of all ages to have honest conversa-  and engaging choral experience that
                                           tions around identity, brand, and   translates from rehearsal to perfor-
           Do you read IEPs of your stu-   messaging, leading to strong buy-in,   mance.
        dents and feel lost on how to support   attendance, and tradition and rela-
        them? We have collaborated with    tionship building. This session will   McKenna Stenson and
        our  Office  of  Disability  Resources   break down the pros and cons of   Bryan Hiroto Stenson, presenters
        to identify practical approaches to   collaborative arranging, and then
        an inclusive choral ensemble expe-  detail the process of how to build   Jessica Nápoles, presider
        rience. Join us as we offer solutions,   a  piece  from  start  to  finish  with   Chair, National Standing Commit-
        resources, and insight on how to lead   examples from award-winning col-  tee for Research & Publications, and
        every student. This session identifies   laborative arrangements. Attendees   Conference Co-Chair
        pragmatic ways to champion the     will also build a short collaborative
        needs of your students and edu-    arrangement together.
        cate yourself while  advocating for                                   4  Integrating Aural Theory
        your program that is inclusive and   Erin Hauger Hackel, presenter   in the Choral Rehearsal
        equitable for all. Walk away from
        this session with a renewed sense of   Coreen Duffy, presider        First United Methodist Church
        empowerment for making your choir   University of Colorado, Boulder  Atrium
        a successful, educational, and mean-
        ingful experience for all students.                                    This session is designed to support

          62      CHORAL JOURNAL  Volume 65  Number 6                                                         February 2025 / ACDA National Conference Program Book
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