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                            2025            Awards/Recognitions

                         March 18-22 Dallas, TX

                    Paris M. Rutherford (1934-2022) was     sity, and University of Southern California, Saltzman
                    born in Dallas, Texas, to Ruth and Paris   began his tenure at the University of Oregon in 1964.
                    M. Rutherford Jr. on September 23, 1934.     Over five decades, he served as professor of choral mu-
                    Primarily an instrumentalist and ar-    sic and associate dean of the School of Music, national
                    ranger, he earned both the bachelor’s and   president of ACDA (1979–1981), a founding member
        master’s degree from Southern Methodist University.   and president of IFCM (1985–1993), and executive
        Rutherford was a Regents Professor Emeritus at the   director of the Oregon Bach Festival (1970–2007). In
        University of North Texas, where he served for 30 years   1994 he received the German government’s highest
        on the jazz studies faculty, directing the award-winning   honor: the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Merit. He
        UNT  Jazz  Singers,  the  North  Texas  Summer  Vocal   was also awarded Chorus America’s Distinguished Ser-
        Jazz Workshops, and the Jazz Arranging/Composition   vice Award, ACDA’s Robert Shaw Award, and lifetime
        program. While at UNT, he mentored countless stu-   achievement  awards  from  IFCM  and  the  6th  World
        dents. Widely considered one of the greatest vocal jazz   Children’s Choir Festival.
        arrangers of his time, Rutherford made immeasurable
        contributions  to  the  jazz  community;  he  was  pivotal
        in elevating jazz education and assuring the future of          Peter  Tiboris (1947-2024) founded
        vocal  jazz.  He  is  survived  by  his  beloved  wife  of  37   MidAmerica Productions in 1983 and
        years, Lynne, 6 children, grandchildren, and great-             served as its general music director until
        grandchildren.                                                  his death. For over four decades his re-
                                                                        markable vision and passion shaped the
                                                            organization and touched the lives of countless musi-
                    H. Royce Saltzman (1928-2023) co-       cians and audiences alike. Hailed as “the most prolific
                    founded the Grammy-winning Oregon       presenter of choral concerts in the history of Carnegie
                    Bach Festival with acclaimed conductor   Hall” by the director of the Rose Museum and Archives
                    Helmuth Rilling in 1970. A graduate of   at Carnegie Hall, Maestro Tiboris was instrumental in
                    Goshen College, Northwestern Univer-    the presentation of over 1,500 concerts worldwide. In
                                                            2004 he founded MidAm International, extending his
                                                            vision to major cultural centers across Europe. Maestro
                                                            Tiboris received his doctorate from the University of
                                                            Illinois and conducted repertoire ranging from major
                                                            choral works to symphonies, operas, and ballets. Among
                                                            the distinguished orchestras he conducted were London’s
                                                            Royal Philharmonic, the Philharmonia Orchestra, Mos-
                                                            cow Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, and the
                                                            National Opera Orchestra of Cairo.

                                                                        Virgil “Leon” Thurman (1940-2024) was
                                                                        the  author  of  the  influential  book  Body
                                                                        Mind & Voice: Foundations of  Voice Educa-
                                                                        tion, which has been a vital resource for
                                                                        voice educators and singers worldwide.
                                                            His work emphasized the holistic integration of body
                                                            and mind in the development of vocal technique and

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