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                            2025            Awards/Recognitions                 Continued on next page

                         March 18-22 Dallas, TX

                                                            cians, she has conducted hundreds of honor, festival, and
          Raymond W. Brock Memorial Commission              all-state choirs in 46 U. S. states and six Canadian prov-
                                                            inces. Known for her knowledge of the choral repertoire
                    Rosephanye Powell,  Pulitzer  Prize  and   and performance practice of all styles, Dr. Archibeque
                    three-time Grammy winner, is one of     has  conducted  and  prepared  over  150  major  choral
                    America’s most  performed composers.    works with orchestras and performs music from all his-
                    She has an impressive catalogue of works   torical periods. She holds degrees from the University
                    published by some of the nation’s leading   of Michigan, San Diego State, and the University of
        publishers,  including  the  Hal  Leonard  Corporation,   Colorado. She was named Outstanding Alumna at the
        Gentry Publications, Oxford University Press, Alliance   University of Colorado and was given both of San Jose
        Music Publications, and Shawnee Press. She has had   State’s highest honors: Outstanding Professor and Presi-
        commissions from a wide range of performers, including   dent’s Scholar. She serves on the executive board of the
        the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Chicago Symphony,   American Beethoven Society, is a past president of the
        and professional choral ensembles including Cantus and   Silicon Valley League of the San Francisco Symphony,
        the Grammy Award-winning ensemble Chanticleer. She   and is editor of the Charlene Archibeque Choral Series
        is commissioned yearly to compose for university cho-  with Santa Barbara Music Publishing.
        ruses, professional ensembles, community and church
        choirs, as well as secondary school choruses. Her first
        opera, Cold Mountain, was commissioned by Santa Fe
        Opera and was the first American opera to win the In-  Raymond W. Brock Prize for Professional Composers
        ternational Opera Award. Powell serves as professor of
        voice at Auburn University. She holds degrees from The            Saunder Choi, a Filipino composer and
        Florida State University (DM in vocal performance),               choral artist in Los Angeles, has gained
        Westminster Choir College (MM in vocal performance                international recognition for his works
        and pedagogy), and Alabama State University (BME).                performed by esteemed groups such
                                                                          as Conspirare, Philippine Madrigal
                                                                          Singers, and the Los Angeles Master
          Robert Shaw Choral Award Winner                   Chorale. Choi has arranged and orchestrated pieces
                                                            for notable figures such as Lea Salonga and organiza-
                                                            tions like the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus and the
                    Charlene Archibeque is considered one of   San Francisco Symphony. As a choral artist, he actively
                    America’s foremost choral conductors and   performs in ensembles such as the Pacific Chorale, L.A.
                    teachers. She was the first woman to earn   Choral Lab, and HEX Vocal Ensemble, as well as
                    the DMA in Choral Conducting (Univer-   singing in film scores of Disney’s The Lion King, Mulan,
                    sity of Colorado, 1969) and served for 35   Turning Red, and Avatar 2: The Way of  the Water. Saunder’s
        years as director of choral activities at San Jose State   compositions strongly advocate for DEIJ, focusing on
        University. The world-renowned SJSU Choraliers took   themes such as immigration, racial justice, LGBTQ+
        sixteen tours abroad, winning seven international com-  advocacy, climate justice, and his own Filipino-Chinese
        petitions, and performing in major music halls. Choirs   identity. He is the director of music at the UU Church of
        under Dr. Archibeque’s direction have performed at 25   Santa Monica and a teaching artist with the Los Angeles
        state, regional, and national ACDA conferences. Her   Master Chorale.
        honors include receiving the 2008 Howard Swan Award
        presented by California ACDA and the 2013 Excellence
        in Choral Music Award presented by the University of
        Colorado. Known as one of America’s top choral clini-

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