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Friday, February 24 Detailed Schedule
different choral arrangements and 4 In Her Voice: Women in of language, and student agency
about the cultures that contributed to Musical Leadership and empowerment. The Substance
the creation of the music, its sounds, Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor Abuse and Mental Health Services
and musical instruments. Administration fourfold framework
North Meeting Room 206 (realize, recognize, respond, and resist
Diana V. Sáez, Suzzette Ortiz, and re-traumatizing) of trauma-sensitivity
Juan Tony Guzmán, presenters How do we create a space for will be used to develop a trauma-
women of all levels in the profession informed choral pedagogy that can
Jessica Nápoles, presider of choral music to connect and look be tailored to diverse ensembles and
Chair, National Standing Committee forward, together? Choral conduc- styles of teaching. Attendees will gar-
for Research & Publications tors and composers share a variety ner specific strategies and rehearsal
of experiences, but each has their ideas that prioritize singers’ lived
own story. These stories deepen our experiences and cultivate greater
perspective and understanding. A compassion and connectivity within
3 Contemporary German panel of women representing vari- the choral ensemble.
Choral Music ous backgrounds and teaching levels
Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor will explore: 1) ways in which we can William Sauerland and
South Meeting Rooms 263-264 support conductors and composers Megan Durham, presenters
who identify as women; 2) past expe-
riences of people who were margin- Laura Coster, presider
What choral works by diverse liv- alized due to gender identity; and 3) State President, Illinois
ing composers in Germany should ways to move forward, strengthening
American conductors and teachers a support system among participants
know? How are German choral for women in choral music 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
directors finding repertoire by com-
posers from historically excluded Amanda Quist, Lynnel Joy Jenkins,
groups? In recent years, Germany Julie Yu-Oppenheim, and Exhibitor’s Showcase
has experienced profound demo- B. E. Boykin, presenters
graphic shifts due to immigration. Chorus America
How has this impacted the choral Kelly Miller, presider Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
experience and repertoire selection State President, Florida
for German choirs? For this session Meeting Rooms 260-262
we welcome ACDA’s seven guest
conductors chosen by the German Building healthy choral organizations.
Choral Organization as participants 5 Trauma-Informed
in ACDA’s International Conductor Choral Pedagogy
Exchange. They will present a variety Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
of new choral music from their home
country for all types of choirs. North Meeting Rooms 201-204
This interactive presentation will
John Warren and Jan Schumacher, provide a foundation for trauma-
presenters informed music teaching, including:
common stigmas around trauma,
relational power dynamics, resistance
to addressing trauma, the importance
94 CHORAL JOURNAL Volume 63 Number 6 February 2023 / 2023 ACDA National Conference Program Book