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Saturday, February 25                               Detailed Schedule

          are  defined  by  our  own  interpre-  Moderator: Erin Plisco         2  Connecting with the Chor-US:
          tive  imaginations.  This  session  will                             Building Ensemble through
          explore  how  to  build  and  enhance  Larry Dunn, Chris Maunu, Marcela   Social Emotional Learning
          our,  and  our  students’,  interpretive   Molina, Heather Phipps Orr, Jennifer
          imaginations.                     Sengin, and Phillip Swan, panelists  Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
                                                                               South Meeting Rooms 263-264
          Jerry McCoy, presenter
                                              Interest Sessions                  Social  and  Emotional  Learning
          Jonathan Owen, presider             Choose from four options         (SEL) is a key strategy for promoting
          President-Elect, Southwestern Region                                 belonging  in  the  choral  ensemble.
                                             1  Charting a Path Forward:       Choral leaders may implement tenets
                                            Guiding Black Conductors           of SEL in their rehearsals by building
           10:05 AM - 10:55 AM                                                 community,  cultivating  awareness,
                                            Toward Collegiate Leadership       and  promoting  emotional  release
           Senior High                      Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           through music making. In this session,
           R&R Deep Dive                    North Meeting Room 206             participants will partake in an SEL-
                                                                               informed  choral  lesson,  examining
          Duke Energy Convention Center        The  choral  profession  is  moving  the ways intentional use of SEL and
          Junior Ballroom B                 toward  centering  the  experiences  its core components may impact en-
                                            of marginalized and historically ex-  semble and rehearsal. Following the
            This  Deep  Dive  will  take  an  in-  cluded musicians and making space  lesson, participants will discuss SEL
          depth  look  at  four  accessible  selec-  for conductors of color to thrive, yet  strategies  for  choirs.  Choral  direc-
          tions that can be used to build tone,   these efforts are not readily reflected  tors will leave with an array of tools,
          technique, musicianship, and artistry   in higher education. Using theoretical  activities,  and  experiences  that  will
          with your high school ensemble. En-  and practical lenses, an international  empower them to embrace SEL prac-
          joy  in-depth  strategies  for  building   panel of Black conductors will iden-  tices in any choral ensemble setting.
          community, engaging your students,   tify current barriers that discriminate
          and for getting the most out of the   against racialized students, share their   Colleen McNickle and
          music you select.                 own affirming personal experiences,   Coty Raven Morris, presenters
                                            and  provide  specific  strategies  to
          Presenter: Nathan Dame            cultivate strong Black leaders for the   Ryan Sullivan, presider
                                            future. Each panelist brings a unique   Past President, Southwestern Region
                                            perspective to this discussion that will
           SSAA/Women’s                     resonate with aspiring Black academ-
           R&R Forum                        ics and inform allies and mentors.

          Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor          Derrick Fox, Jabarie Glass, Melissa
          North Meeting Room 206            Morgan, Jeffrey Allen Murdock,
                                            A. Jan Taylor, and Frank A. Watkins,
          Empowering Treble Ensembles:      presenters
          Repertoire and Rehearsal Strategies
                                            Timothy Westerhaus, presider
            A  panel  discussion  on  a  variety   Past President, Northwestern Region
          of topics relevant to leading a treble

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