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Saturday, February 25                               Detailed Schedule

          Summertime                        Love Me Now                        your students, and allow the magic
          George Gershwin and               Kyrre Gørvell-Dahll, Hight,        of  a  healthy  student-driven  culture
          DuBose Heyward                    Patrick Pyke Salmy, Ricardo Muñoz,  to organically unfold.
          arr. Jeremy Fox                   Zoe Wees
          Sheet Music Plus                  arr. Robert Dietz                  Hope Kesling Milthaler, presenter
                                            Independent Arranger
          Dobbin’s Flowery Vale                                                Doug O'Neal, presider
          Traditional Irish Air and Reel    Outsider                           State President, Ohio
          arr. Matti Kallio                 Adam Yaron and Rachel Gorman
          Sulasol Music                     arr. Katherine Bodor
                                            Independent Arranger
          David and Goliath                                                     2  Gender Bias in the Choral Field:
          Traditional                       Brighter Days                      Past, Present, and Future
                                            Blessing Offor and Sam Ellis
          arr. Mark Kibble (of Take 6)      arr. Shams Ahmed                   Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor
          Hal Leonard
                                            Independent Arranger               North Meeting Room 206
          I’m in the Mood for Love/
          Moody’s Mood for Love                                                  This session will feature five active
          James Moody, Jimmy McHugh and       9:00 AM - 9:50 AM                women  conductors  and  a  first-year
          Dorothy Fields                                                       doctoral student in a candid discus-
          arr. Phil Mattson and Jeremy Fox    Interest Sessions                sion about past, present, and future
          Sheet Music Plus                    Choose from four options         challenges for women in choral mu-
                                                                               sic. The presenters will offer strategies
                                                                               on how young and experienced con-
           10:30 AM - 11:00 AM               1  Every Voice Has a Home:        ductors can fight new and longstand-
                                            Culture-Changing Student-Driven    ing matters involving gender bias in
           4  Hilliard Bradley High School   Voice Placement                   the choral field. Members will learn
          Shades of Blue A Cappella         Duke Energy CC 2nd Floor           to: a) identify instances of gender dis-
          Jeremy Witt, conductor            South Meeting Rooms 230-233        parity in the choral profession; b) fight
                                                                               challenges related to gender bias; c)
                                                                               support students and colleagues who
          Risk it All                          Witness a live demonstration ex-  experience gender discrimination; d)
          Ella Henderson, Charlotte Haining,   cerpted from Teaching Beyond the Music  advocate for themselves and others;
          Lewis Thomson, Rob Harvey         (Ferdinand,  GIA  Publications),  and  and e) promote change to help cre-
          arr. Robert Dietz                 discover  how  one  of  your  existing  ate more equitable spaces for women
          Independent Arranger              foundational practices could foster a  conductors.
                                            culture of health, safety, and belong-
          Apple Pie                         ing. Learn how to establish vernacu-
          Elizabeth Catherine McAlpine      lar and lay a foundation where each   Mariana Farah, Edith A. Copley,
          arr. Robert Dietz                                                    Lynne Gackle, Jessica Nápoles, Coty
          Independent Arranger              voice is valued and celebrated, where   Raven Morris and Elizabeth Olson,
                                            students feel safe both identifying and
          Exile                             exemplifying vocal variety. Multiple   presenters
          Taylor Swift, Joe Alwyn,          social-emotional  learning  standards   Peggy Dettwiler, presider
          Justin Vernon                     can be covered while structuring your   Past President, Eastern Region
          arr. Jamey Boezi                  ensemble to sound its best! Learn to
          Independent Arranger              facilitate versus dominate the process,
                                            release ownership of the outcome to

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