Page 4 - CJJan23
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A s k a C o n d u c t o r
Ask a Conductor
Question 4
What successful processes have been used to create
positive, collaborative relationships between public and/or
private school choirs and community children's choirs?
Welcome to the “Ask a Conductor” section of Matt Hill
ChorTeach. In this reader-generated Q&A format, Founder, Sing Omaha Inc.
readers submit questions related to teaching, con- Director of Choral Activities, Peru State College
ducting, rehearsing with, or singing with K-12 stu- National ACDA Community Choirs R&R Chair
dents. Three to five educators who either currently
work in K-12 or who have past experience in K-12
will answer the question, with a new question ap-
pearing in each issue. Our goal is for this to be a very Sing Omaha is an eight-choir, two-studio nonprofit music
practical section that applies directly to current con- education and performance organization operating in East-
cerns in the choral classroom. Readers can submit ern Nebraska since 2007. Our annual programming reaches
questions via the link in this Google form (https:// 350-400 students (K-12) each year. With our limited adver- or by visiting tising budget, we rely heavily on strong relationships with
the QR code below. area schools to support and promote (where possible) our
Ask a Conductor Submission Form
Prioritization of Commitment
As community choir musicians, we would like to think
that music educators and building administrators would see
the inherent value of their students seeking additional out-
Question: What successful processes have side instruction, as those external experiences will find their
been used to create positive, collaborative way back into the scholastic music program in various ways.
relationships between public and/or private However, we may more frequently find territorialism to be
school choirs and community children's the dominant hurdle we have to overcome. This makes our
choirs? overt statements about student expectations paramount in
the early conversations with decision makers in schools. We
should recognize that most of our students will be active
participants in their public/private school music programs,
ChorTeach Volume 15 • Issue 1 4 Fall 2022