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Theory of Choir
                                            (Why Choir is Essential)

                                                  It’s the breathing,
                                          we go deep to push notes upward.
                                         The diaphragm does its proper job,
                                   restoring balance after we limp in for rehearsal
                                        beaten down by the shallow breathing
                                        of rushing from one thing to the next.
                                            We focus on music, this night,

                                         the ebb and flow of dynamics, text,
                                           breathing, and more breathing,
                                          where nothing else could possibly

                                               clutter our heads except
                                            the lissom line of black notes
                                           running up and down the page,

                                         and words catching us off our guard
                                             as we press the two together
                                               turning both into music.
                                              Singing transposes us from
                                                  demanding bosses,

                                          final exams, ridiculous deadlines,
                                     that nagging pain in the curve of the back,
                                         We are made whole again in music.
                                          We seek the rhythm of our hearts,

                                        find harmony in the sum of our parts,
                                     We chant our stories one note upon another

                                            and another, we blend as one,
                                               a collective “everyone”
                                          sitting side by side, row upon row.
                                      Like bricks on a path, carefully laid down
                                     one next to the other, one journey of sound
                                 one interlocking message, as we crescendo upward,
                                  assembled at the seam of Here and the Hereafter,

                                         our scores held firmly to our chests.

                                                            Annette Langlois Grunseth,
                                                                              Green Bay, WI

        CHORAL JOURNAL  June/July 2021                                                              Volume 61  Number 11          7
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