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         6  Great Stuff I Never Learned    in the Nahuatl Aztec language.    methods and styles of contemporary
        (Or Forgot) in Choral Methods      After  undertaking  field  research  in   a cappella.
                                           Mexico City, including exploring
        National Shrine Cathedral of       original source materials from the   Christina Aloisio, presenter
        Our Lady of Guadalupe              1500 and 1600s, this  presentation
        Grand Salon                        will showcase the fusion of an older   Backtrack Vocals,
                                           compositional style in a fresh new   Demonstration Choir
           Central to the celebration of the  way. Come learn about this work
        Choral Art: Past, Present, and Fu-  that is accessible for both commu-  Rob Dietz , presider
        ture is the training of experienced  nity/church choirs and university/  Chair, National R&R for
        and emerging choral educators who  professional choirs alike and epito-  Contemporary A Cappella
        change students’ lives every day  mizes the merging of the past and
        through  music.  Great  teaching  in-  present while pointing to the future
        spires great music making. This fun,  of sacred music.
        engaging, and light-hearted session                                   2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
        will explore effective choral rehearsal  Richard Carrillo, presenter

        techniques including effective pacing                                 Exhibitor’s Showcase
        and sequencing, integrating musi-  Amanda Quist, presider
        cianship into the choral rehearsal,  Past Coordinator, National R&R          OPEN TO BOTH TRACKS
        performance assessment tips, and  for Collegiate Choirs              Excelcia Music Publishing
        engaging techniques for warming up
        the choir while turning off the choral                               Meyerson Symphony Center
        “autopilot.” Experienced and emerg-  8 Voices Unleashed:             Horchow Hall
        ing conductors will enjoy this practi- Empowering Students in
        cal session as a guide or refresher   Contemporary A Cappella
        for techniques they forgot (or never
        learned) during their choral training. Moody Performance Hall         2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
        Christopher W. Peterson, presenter                                    Concert Session E  (Four Choirs)
                                             Join us for a hands-on workshop            PURPLE TRACK
        Jeffrey Benson, presider           designed to equip choral direc-
        Past President, California ACDA    tors with the skills and knowledge   Winspear Opera House
                                           to guide students in expressing
                                           themselves through contemporary   Steven Zielke, presider
         7  Mass of the Americas:          a cappella. Using members of  a   President, Northwestern Region
        New Directions in Sacred Music     professional a cappella group to
                                           demonstrate, participants will gain   2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
        First United Methodist Church      the tools necessary to teach students
        Crossroads                         how to independently handle every   1 Linn-Mar High School
                                           aspect of a cappella performance,   Chamber Singers
             Highlighting music from two  from selecting repertoire to ar-
        traditionally underrepresented com-  ranging, beatboxing, and creating   Trent Buglewicz, conductor
        munities, Frank La Rocca’s Mass of   choreography. This session will draw
        the Americas utilizes Mexican mariachi  on traditional choral foundations   Deviņi dēli
        music as melodic source material and  and pedagogy, honoring bel canto   Jānis Ozols
        contains the first known Ave Maria  singing, while embracing innovative   Musica Baltica

        CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2025 / ACDA National Conference Program Book                                             Volume 65  Number 6            89
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