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        Daniel Reza Sabzghabaei and         7  You Are the Voice Teacher:     2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
        Arian Khaefi, presenters          Teaching Technique in Choral Singing

                                          National Shrine Cathedral of        Concert Session C  (Four Choirs)
        San Diego State University Chamber   Our Lady of Guadalupe
        Choir, Demonstration Choir                                                      ORANGE TRACK
                                          Grand Salon
        Arian Khaefi, presider                                               Winspear Opera House
                                             “Blend. Drop your jaw. Straight
        San Diego State University        tone. Darker.” Most have heard one   Jeffery Ames, presider
                                          of these phrases before, but do these   President, Southern Region
                                          ideas really help inexperienced sing-
         6  More than Surviving: Collegiate   ers? What terminology can we use to   2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
        Stress, Burnout, and Musicianship   provide clarity, connects concepts in
                                          a relatable way, and takes away some
        Moody Performance Hall            of  the mystery? Are we teaching    1 Montgomery High School
        Auditorium                        singers the pedagogy behind their   Madrigals
                                          instrument in clear, concrete terms?   Heather Orr, conductor
           Using a trauma-informed lens, this  Additionally, how can we bridge what
        session explores the physical impact  can be a disconnect between singing   Kyrie Eleison
        of toxic levels of stress. Stress impacts  in a choral ensemble and singing in   Rosephanye Powell
        the body and has specific implications  applied lessons? By bringing concepts   2025 Raymond W. Brock
        for conductors and singers at all lev- and skills from voice pedagogy into   Memorial Commission
        els. Focusing on the undergraduate  the choral rehearsal, conductors can
        experience, this session introduces  better support their singers in their   Kruhay
        research-supported ways to complete  vocal development.              Benny F. Castillon
        the stress cycle. Furthermore, recog-                                Manuscript
        nizing that teachers are experiencing   Amy Johnston Blosser and     Morte! Che voi?
        high levels of burnout and compas-  C. Andrew Blosser, presenters    Maddalena Casulana
        sion fatigue, this session explores ways                             Public Domain
        to establish a practice of wellness   Hilary Apfelstadt, presider
        and balance during one’s time as an   Past President, National ACDA  I Denna Ljuva Sommartid
        undergraduate that one can hopefully                                 (In This Sweet Summertime)
        bring with them into the field, prepar-                              Clark William Lawlor
        ing them to be a model of balance for                                Endeavor Music Publishing
        future generations.                 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
                                                                             Ain’t Got Time to Die
        Rebecca DeWan, presenter            Exhibitor’s Showcase             Hall Johnson
                                                                             G. Schirmer, Inc.
        Colin Graebert, presider                  OPEN TO BOTH TRACKS        Normal
        John Bapst Memorial High School
                                          Mormolyke Press                    Carlos Cordero
                                          Meyerson Symphony Center           Graphite Publishing

                                          Horchow Hall                       Bright Morning Stars
                                                                             Spiritual; arr. Alice Parker
                                                                             Walton Music

        CHORAL JOURNAL  February 2025 / ACDA National Conference Program Book                                             Volume 65  Number 6            69
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