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                            2025            Wednesday, March 19                                 Detailed Schedule

                         March 18-22 Dallas, TX

                                           skills.  These  perspectives  reflect  the  3  Learning by Trial and Many
         3:00 pm - 3:50 pm                 affirmation and cross-cultural sharing  Errors: Early Career Teaching
                                           about the universal message of the
         Exhibitor’s Showcase              human experience that is embedded   First United Methodist Church
                                           in the Negro Spiritual.           Atrium
                OPEN TO BOTH TRACKS
                                           Melody Gamblin-Bullock,             The earliest years of our teaching
        Oxford University Press
                                           Jammieca D. Mott, and Demetrius   careers are often the most difficult. As
        Meyerson Symphony Center           Robinson, presenters              young teachers, we may have great
                                                                             ideas but can struggle to put all of
        Horchow Hall
                                           Christopher Rhodes, presider      them into successful practice. This
                                           Heritage High School              session will address common early
                                                                             career teaching misconceptions and
                                                                             pitfalls through the lens of personal
         3:30 pm - 4:20 pm                                                   experience. Discussion will center
                                           2  At Any Level: Developing       around unexpected issues, real-life
                                           Comprehensive Music Literacy Skills  problems and difficulties in the class-
         Interest Sessions                                                   room, and solutions and strategies
         Choose from six options           First United Methodist Church     for growth. Attendees will also be
                                           Upper Room (3rd Floor)            provided with resource and repertoire
                OPEN TO BOTH TRACKS                                          examples. By addressing the realities
                                             This session aims to provide di-  of the first years of teaching, this ses-
         1  American Roots: Pedagogical    rectors (in any setting of the ACDA  sion aims to set a motivating founda-
        Approaches and Performance         collective) with tools and tricks to  tion for a lifetime of choral teaching.
        Practices of Negro Spirituals      increase the music literacy of their
                                           choral program. The main focus of  Alyssa Schott, presenter
        First United Methodist Church      the  session will  be the step-by-step

        Sanctuary                          process of teaching fluent music read- Amy Blosser, presider
                                           ing skills through the consistent devel-  Bexley High School
           There are comparable perfor-    opment of sight-reading skills, use of
        mance practices that exist in the   music theory, and ear training in the
        singing of choral and solo art song   rehearsal room from day one. Session   4  Nosotres Existimos:
        spirituals that stylistically contextual-  participants will be taken through   Mexican Choral Repertoire
        ize  these timeless  American  songs   mini lessons designed for every skill   and Resources
        of resistance. Approaches to perfor-  level of singer from novice to expert.
        mance pedagogy will be considered                                    First United Methodist Church
        within the categories of the spiritual   Chantae D. Pittman, presenter  Crossroads
        and discussions about: (1) text-dialect
        coupled with International Phonetic   Johnny Edwards, presider         The goal of Nosotres Existimos is
        Alphabet; (2) ornamentation and    Newton High School                inclusion and belonging for the choral
        embellishments; and (3) African                                      conductor’s students and community
        rhythmic adaptations synthesized in                                  through programming. This session’s
        Western art traditions. Participants                                 information on Mexican repertoire
        will engage in exercises to demon-                                   and resources, through handouts
        strate an understanding of  these                                    and websites, will connect our grow-

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