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         From the                                                                    EDITORIAL BOARD

                               This is the fifth ACDA National Conference         AMANDA BUMGARNER
                            Program Book that I have been in charge of editing,     ACDA National Office
                            and it is a huge undertaking. From the performances     405-232-8161 (ex. 205)
                            to the interest sessions, the exhibit hall, special events,
                            receptions, and meetings, we are excited to share the
                            specifics of ACDA’s biennial event to help you plan   MANAGING EDITOR
                            your conference week. For those who are unable to     RON GRANGER
         Amanda Bumgarner   attend, we hope this inspires you to save the date for     ACDA National Office
                            2025! As always, I am personally excited to see what     405-232-8161
          articles and columns come out of this work for our ACDA publications: Choral
          Journal, ChorTeach, and the International Journal of  Research in Choral Singing.
            Looking ahead, our March/April issue of Choral Journal will include a    EDITORIAL BOARD
          listing of 2023 summer festivals and workshops. This is an annual listing     SEAN MICHAEL BURTON
          open to members and industry partners. If you missed this year’s submission
          deadline, make a note for submission in 2024; those entries are due January
          15 each year.                                                           MARQUES L. A. GARRETT
            ChorTeach is ACDA’s quarterly publication with practical content specifically
          for those working with community choirs and K-12 singers. I invite you to     MICHAEL PORTER
          consider submitting an article in 2023. Authors do not need to be current
          or former K-12 teachers, but the topics do need to be practical in nature.
          Below is a selection of articles from Volume 14. You can read every article     WILLIAM SOUTHERLAND
          dating back to 2008 at Make sure you are logged into
          the website before trying to access.                                    DEBRA SPURGEON
          Forests of Song: Building Environmental Stewardship through   
          Choral Singing by Mark Petty (14.1 Fall 2021)                             WILLIAM WEINERT
          Performance-Based Assessments in  Choirs by Meagan  Dissinger 
          (14.1 Fall 2021)                                                        GISELLE WYERS
          Democratic Approaches for the Choral Ensemble: Repertoire     
          Choice and Rehearsal Design by Robert C. Jordan (14.2 Winter 2022)
                                                                                 COLUMN EDITORS
          Performance Anxiety: 5 Strategies That Worked for Choir Students
          by Mikayla Feldman (14.2 Winter 2022)                                  MICAH BLAND
          K-12 Teaching Resources: Repertoire Selections for School Choirs
          Compiled by Cheryl Dupont (14.3 Spring 2022)                           DUANE COTTRELL
          Ask a Conductor Question 2: What are some techniques and values
          that elementary music teachers can instill in their students that will benefit    CHRISTOPHER EANES
          the junior high and high school choral music programs? (14.3 Spring 2022)
          Teaching Rote with Rigor: Embedding Musical Concepts and               BRYAN E. NICHOLS
          Preparing for Music Literacy by Craig Hurley and Rebecca Atkins (14.4
          Summer 2022)                                                           GREGORY PYSH

          The Art of Teaching Music Literacy to Develop Independent    
          Musicians by Janel Huyett (14.4 Summer 2022)
                                                                                 LAURA WIEBE
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